About Whit Gibbons
Whit Gibbons received the Henry Fitch Distinguished Herpetologist Award at the national/international Joint Meeting of Ichthyologists and Herpetologists for long-term excellence in the study of amphibian and reptile biology and the National Meritorious Teaching Award in Herpetology. He was awarded the IUCN Behler Turtle Conservation Award presented at the Annual Symposium of the Turtle Survival Alliance in recognition of long-term turtle research and conservation nationally and internationally. Other awards include the Southeastern Outdoor Press Association’s First Place Award for Best Radio Program, First Place Award for best Daily Newspaper column First Place Award for best Weekly Newspaper column. Whit has also received. the South Carolina Governor’s Award for Environmental Education, the Meritorious Teaching Award presented by the Association of Southeastern Biologists (ASB), the ASB Senior Research Award, and the C. W. Watson Award presented by the Southeastern Association of Fish and Wildlife Agencies for contributions to wildlife conservation.
For a complete biography of Whit Gibbons and bibliography of journal publications go to Smithsonian Herpetological Information Service No. 156